Tropical Advisories from Weather Underground

Friday, November 17, 2006

No Camera

I just wanted to let everyone who likes to go to our blogs for our pictures, that we won't have any pictures for a while.

I went yesterday to the market to take some pictures and when I asked John to download them to our computer,he tried but the computer crashed. He couldn't get the pictures out of the camera. And each time he tried it crashed. So he figures that our little camera is dead.

So until we can figure something out on how to get another little digital camera here, there will be no pictures.

We will still write articles however.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Becky, I was going to ask for more pictures of you and the boys.But I'm glad you wrote. Are you guys still doing ok? I told my Dad the story of the ants... take care,laurie