Tropical Advisories from Weather Underground

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

A Tree in the Hand and a Bird in the Pot

I am cooking a chicken. Rebecca and I went to the grocery store and got a chicken, some black beans, and brown sugar. The chickens come with the feet in the body cavity with the liver and gizzard. We discard the chicken feet, but I understand that these can be fried and eaten. If I recall correctly my mother enjoyed fried chicken feet when she was growing up. Perhaps she will comment and say how to prepare them. Anyway, I washed the chicken and put it in a pot and it's in the oven now. When it is done, we will eat some, then use the rest to make "soup" from fried onions, carrots, rocado, black beans and rice. After we got the chicken I went to the market and got onions and carrots. Peter the man at the market offered me cheaper onions that had the tops cut off because they were starting to go bad. I got these and also Peter and his wife put some cut potatoes, celery, green peppers and some zucchini squash in my bag. These are things that have started to go bad, they cut off the bad parts and give them to me and I presume other customers.

On the way home, I noticed a pickup truck full of plantain trees. Someone was cleaning out a yard and chopping out all the plantain trees which spread like crazy. I asked if they were going to throw these trees away. The man said "no, we are going to take them to a farm and plant them, would you like one?" I nodded and asked for a smaller one. When I got home Johnny and I planted it in the backyard between the chiya tree and the oregano bush. I can tell this is a plantain tree because there is some red on it. Banana trees have no red. Both grow and produce fruit in about nine months, then they are done, but suckers come up from the roots and replace the original tree.


Anonymous said...

Hello Aldebaran. You may call me the Krazy Komiks Kat. You know me already , my screen moniker should tell you who I am. I've had communications from you directed my way, via a mutual friend as well as snail mail, so as I already said, you know who I am. I've been reading some of your and your family's posts on the blog as well as the aforementioned (is that all one word? I think so. Well if it wasn't before, it is now.;)) [I hope that you caught my terribly clever use of the emoticon in the previous sentence] missives. I, as well as our mutual friends, miss you terribly and hope that you and yours are doing well. It certainly seems to be the case. I'm slowly but surely getting a handle on my financial woes. As far as seeing you, my schedule looks as if it could be opening in mid to late December for a period of 2 to 5 weeks and spending a week, week and a-half or maybe even two weeks with you and the family would be great. That is of course assuming that you can stand me for that long. You may very well be grateful for the cable or at least wish that you had a bigger house. (Quick children, run and hide, our visitor is coming out of his room. Father, says your oldest, didn't Ben Franklin say something about fish and visitors stinking after three days? Yes, you respond, and Old Ben was never more right!) Sending this from mutual frineds place. I hope the weather is beautiful. It has turned cold here. Weather has been unseasonably cold for much of October. One day average high temperature was either 63 or I think 64 and it only made it to 39. That was the High that day, not the low! Yow! Freeze off certain nether regions! Election (EEuuuhhhh!! hack! hack! ppppttttt... pffuuii!! Sorry, large, painful hairball) is coming up. More horrible choices. Local comic strip that is distributed locally by the Post is drawn by an alleged conservative who gave us choices between the 'Tax and Spend Democrats' or the 'Spend and Spend Republicans'. Heh, heh! Said cartoonist apparently did not care for the choices either. Hope to have own system back up soon. (I know, I know, you and mutual friend have both heard that one before.) Hope that you respond soon. Go in peace. Love to you and all of yours,
--The Krazy Komiks Kat!!!

Aldebaran said...

This is good news! Two weeks would be good. Much shorter is almost a waste of airfare, but we would be happy to have you stay with us for any length of time. I might order some ink cartridges to be delivered to my parents house, could you bring those with you? We might exchange emails via our friend, but the only critical thing is that you need to send an email eventually telling me the flight number and time/date of arrival so I can be there to pick you up.

If at all possible you might want your return flight to leave Belize in the afternoon. It is possible to go to Ladyville the day before and stay in a hotel by the airport, but that is not the best way. For your arriving flight any time is fine. Almost certainly you are going to have a connecting flight both ways.

I am glad that you might visit soon.