Tropical Advisories from Weather Underground

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Trip to Xiabe

We have friends that live in a village called Xiabe. They invited us to their home on Sunday the 19th of November. I like to bring something when I go. And I wanted to make their grandson, Ronnie, some cookies, because he broke his arm. So I made a batch of sugar cookies. When they done, we took a taxi to Xiabe. It is about 2 1/2 miles to Xiabe. Usually the women hang out together and do the cooking, and the men are in another part of the house talking and drinking with each other.
I usually stay with the women and try to help or just learn. The ladies chat in Spanish and when it is about me they speak to me in English. It is fun listening to the Spanish. Our friends Reuben and Donatila have 9 children so it is always a full house.

Later in the late afternoon one of the daughters asked me for the recipe for the sugar cookies. So I wrote them down as best I could remember. Then she asked me to show her how to make them. So I told her what to add and what to do, and she made sugar cookies.

The boys played hide and seek with the children. John chatted with Reuben and the other men. And the women chatted and made the food. It was a breezy, not to hot day. We had a nice time.

And that was our trip to Xiabe.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Becky,
Very much enjoyed your post concerning your trip to Xiabe.
Was surprised that they speak
Spanish instead of English as
Belize was originally British
Honduras. I think it would be neat
to be able to pick up Spanish by
listening to them.
It's great that they are so warm
and friedly. But then you are
such a loving and friendly person.
Love, Mom