Tropical Advisories from Weather Underground

Sunday, January 21, 2007

A trip to the Market

I have learned about my tiny little digital camera and relearned how to upload pictures. I have started taking pictures again and I seem to have caught the camera taking bug. I am having fun taking pictures.

I had to go to the market today so I took my camera with me and took a few shots of the market. I thought I took more but I couldn't find them after I downloaded the pictures I took.

But I did get a few shots of the nice fruit and vegetable stand that we go to. The stand is run by this nice man and woman who, since we are regular customers, give us a little better price. They also on occasion give us some free food. Today the nice lady gave me some extra carrots and 2 tiny onions. There were bad spots on the carrots and onions but nothing a person couldn't cut out. They are very nice.

So just in case any one is interested in what the market looks like I have downloaded some of the pictures I took. There is one permanent building with 2 stories. The first floor sells food such as fruits and vegetables, and the 2nd floor has a few little restaurants. It is nice and breezy up there. On the inside of the building there are other booths such as several selling meats, also several selling fish, and others selling more of the standard fruit and vegetables. On the other side of the lot are booths. Both sides sell fruits and vegetables, but some of the booths sell other things, like one might sell cloths, one might sell shoes, another might sell things from their home that they don't need anymore (like a yard sale). Then there are more booths behind the other booths.

The market is like 3 rows of tiny shops. The booths are not always the same everyday so it is a good idea to go on a regular basis. Like one day I went and someone had a booth selling bath towels which I needed. They were slightly used but still in great shape. I talked her down a bit. It was fun. I like going to the market. I meet nice people and sometimes I run into friends.


Anonymous said...

Great pictures!

Anonymous said...

Rebecca, I really enjoyed viewing the pictures of the market. They
were so clear and colorful. As you know, I love fresh fruit and vegetables. I noted that all the
items were so neatly arranged.
I definitely want to go to the
market when we come to visit.
Love, Mom