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Friday, June 20, 2008

The Law of One

From time to time, I happen upon a post at one of several places on the internet written by a person using the name Tree Hugger. While not always, often enough, these posts deal with a subject that I happen to be thinking about at the time. Very often Tree Hugger manages to articulate what I am thinking about in a way far more eloquent than I could. Often, her posts expose me to a perspective that I had not seen before, or an angle that I had not considered. I don't know if my friends and family will appreciate her post about the Law of One, but I am inclined to share it. So below, reposted with permission is The Law of One, by Tree Hugger.

A law is a code of conduct, which informs those who live in the law's jurisdiction what is allowed and what is not allowed according to the letter of the law.

One of the most well known of these laws, was the Hebrew Law as outlined in the Bible. This law was much more than only ten stipulations of conduct, which came to be known as the Ten Commandments, but encompassed a wide range of other rules about conduct which as time went on, grew larger and more detailed, so that by the time the Christ arrived on the scene, the situation the people had a rule for nearly every aspect of life. Jesus was asked by the religious leaders why he healed a man on the Sabbath, because they were trying to catch Christ disobeying the law. The Hebrews had been told to keep holy the Sabbath and there arose scholars to interpret the meaning of the law, and they were insinuating that healing was work. Of course Christ asked them in return, who of them would not rescue one of his donkeys which had fallen into a pit on the Sabbath. Of course healing and rescue of a trapped animal are really wonderful acts, but according the letter of the law could be interpreted as work..

There is no law that has ever successfully commanded that anyone should love. Love is freely given and cannot be commanded. What has been done in the past is to tell people what not to do.
This is just one example of how those who follow the heart rather than the mind seem to be following another law, perhaps we could say a higher law. Christ came to earth to teach a higher law, and as he explained one that is written not on paper, but written on the heart.

In times before recorded history, this higher law was known and practiced and was called the Law of One.

The Law of One was never a written document like the Ten Commandments. It is the natural result of knowledge that while right before the eyes of most, is hidden plain sight. Being written, as it were, upon the heart, this knowledge informs the mind to see beyond what appears to the human eye, and to choose love as a response to every situation. What appears to the eye is that God is not seen and exists outside the earth. What also appears to the eye is that other humans are totally separate from each other and the earth is real estate, and everything on the earth is a resource. This is what appears to the eyes.

But when the Law of One is carried in the heart, the Creator is perceived to exist on a quantum level within the cells and atoms of every human, animal, plant, mineral, star and galaxy. Nothing exists that does not receive the loving support of the flow of energy or spirit. As the indigenous people on this planet have always said, all things have spirit. All the care and support for all is apparent in the food and water cycles. The earth as a living biosphere which displays the love and intelligence of a caring Creator.

When the indigenous people say "we are all brothers" they are expressing the Law of One. Any teaching that brings unity not separation expresses the Law of One. When Christ said "do unto others that which you would have done to you." that expresses the Law of One. When unity is expressed then all people are seen as equally worthy and no one feels less than another.

To see to the interests of all people, protects everyone's interest. This is the Law of One.

When one has the Law of One imprinted on the heart, there is no need for rules for behavior and conduct to inform their mind on how to treat their brothers in human form, animal form, plant form and in all forms upon the Earth. It becomes as natural as breathing, for all the good things they want done to them; they automatically do. Thus the mind and heart are unified.

Everything is deserving of respect. All the ills visited upon the human family is due to the lack of living with an uniformed dualistic mind. There could be no war, no hunger, no greed, no homeless, no suppression of human rights, no pollution, and no poor, if the Law of One was carried in the majority of hearts.

Every major religion on earth was seeded with the Law of One, but in nearly all cases it was distorted by the self serving in power, so that what came down through history was a set of written laws called dogma. What was meant to free the human spirit, became the enslaver of the spirit of humanity as they tried to fulfill the letter of all these laws and rules, interpreted by teachers and rabbis and leaders and gurus and preachers and prophets (profits).

The time for following the written laws is over and the time for following the heart has emerged. No one needs to tell one who loves, to love, or when to love or where to love, for love is freely given out of appreciation and gratitude for being a part of such a vast interconnected unity of creation.

This is the Law of One.

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