Tropical Advisories from Weather Underground

Monday, July 21, 2008

A Beautiful Wedding

Well I am finally getting around to writing this article about our friends wedding that they let us be a part of. I was able to get more pictures of the wedding so that is one of the reasons I waited to write this article. It was a beautiful wedding. The bride and groom looked beautiful.

It was a nice sunny April day. I was picked up and taken to our friends house so they can fix my hair. It was a difficult process because I think they didn't know what to do with my hair. I have very fine straight hair. And they are probably used to working with beautiful thick hair that will hold a curl. My hair has a mind of its own. So they had to decide what to do with my hair. But they were very kind about doing it. And they did a great job. My hair had a lot of hairspray and pins so it stayed in place.

After that they drove me home to dress. Then later they picked John and I up to go back to their house. There we waited and watched till they told us what to do. Everyone was getting ready and busy. There was excitement in the air. I watched my friend get into her wedding dress. Her daughters put her makeup on and they also did mine. She looked so radiant.
John was with the groom and I was able to see what he was wearing. He looked so handsome.

Later we went to the church. John and I walked up first and then the bride and groom came up the isle, looking a bit nervous but simply beautiful.

The wedding was said in Spanish. I of course do not speak or understand Spanish. However the priest was kind and he spoke to John and I when we were needed for some part of the ceremony.

Most was similar to our wedding, however in our wedding we had a mass. They couldn't have one because right after their wedding was the time for the regular mass.

It was a beautiful wedding and I was so happy and excited that I could be a part of it.

They had a party after the wedding at their house. That was fun. They had a d.j. and sometimes they had a singer or 2. They had good music, dancing, and great food. It was a great party.

Here are some pictures of the wedding and the party.

Here we are getting our hair fixed pretty for the wedding.

Here they are getting ready for the party. Making food and setting up table and chairs.

Here is the wedding ceremony. It was beautiful.

Here is family and friends watching the wedding.

Here are the married couple kissing outside the church. They took some pictures of family with the couple, outside the church. Here are a few pictures.

More family pictures with bride and groom.

Here is the wedding couple arriving at their party. The couple next to their cake. And there first dance.

More pictures with family and the couple.

Here are a few friends and family at the party. Our family enjoying the party as well.
And last is a nice picture of my husband and myself.


Anonymous said...

Becky, You guys look incredible!
I liked all the pictures and reading about the wedding.

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.