Tropical Advisories from Weather Underground

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

the swine flu

I have noticed on international news a near panic with regard to swine flu.

There are reports of several cases of swine flu in the Mexican state of Quintana Roo. Quintana Roo is the state in Mexico nine miles north of here.

Currently there are reports of 3 persons in Belize, one in San Pedro, one in Belize City and one here in Corozal Town who have flu. It is not known or believed to be swine influenza A/H1N1, though apparently samples have been sent abroad for testing.

At this time, none of us are concerned about this. We ate some extra bananas, a papaya, and some of us put some ascorbic acid in our tea. We have on hand a more than a pound of pure Vitamin C, and almost certainly get plenty of Vitamin D from the sunlight.

I remember the last swine flu panic in the 1970s. I remember hearing the news and asking my mother if we were all going to die. She said, "No, the news just exaggerates things sometimes". I believed her.

A very good friend of mine sent me a link to an article that you should read if you are much concerned about swine flu:

Critical Alert: The Swine Flu Pandemic – Fact or Fiction?

If you are interested in monitoring the news in Belize regarding swine flu, here is a link to the Ministry of Health.

If you want to see what the media is saying concerning the status of swine flu in Belize you can try this google search.

Unless I have some funny little anecdote to share about swine flu, or someone we actually know, actually catches it, I won't be commenting or even thinking much about it.

Here are some pictures from April of last year. Please don't worry about swine flu.

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