Tropical Advisories from Weather Underground

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

theft and security

So often I try to show what I consider the best of Belize. I like this country very much, and I don't think too much about, nor much mention, the bad.

However the truth is, there is some crime here. There are people here who will steal. It is called thiefing here, and it vexes everyone, as everyone is vulnerable to being thiefed.

I mentioned in a previous post that all the materials were moved from the safety of my friends backyard to the construction site. That site is far enough away from trusted eyes, that all assured me that there would be great danger of the materials being stolen. Aside from the cost of the materials, replacing them is dependent on the phase of the moon, and so any loss would be a loss of money and time.

The sensible precaution was to hire a watchmen.

The first night, I went to make sure the watchman had water and whatever he needed. I was impressed by his cloths and gear. He is an avid hunter, and I think he makes a portion of his income selling wild game. I noticed out loud that he had a shotgun, and he assured me he was licensed to have one.

The next night he did not bring the gun, and I asked why. He was concerned that I was like many Americans and did not like to be around guns, he was afraid it made me uncomfortable. I assured him that I felt no such anxiety and while I could not say he was required to bring a shotgun, he certainly had my permission to do so, as well as to shoot any gibnut or armadillos he might care to eat or sell.

Since then, he arrives prepared to shoot armadillos or anything else he might want to shoot. At night he wears a jacket, either camouflage or black, I could not tell. But my camera does not work at night, so I had to get a picture of him in his daylight hours clothes.

I was hoping for a Central American Death Squad look. I said, don't smile, and his wife told him malo, I think it meant to try to look bad.

He tried, but the natural friendliness of Belizeans has a tendency to shine through. My hope for a photo of a vicious looking watchman didn't really work out.

Not all the people who watch the construction site are armed. But they generally bring their wives. I think this is good. It is extra eyes and ears, and the watchman probably is more careful with more to protect than a just pile of sticks.

The men take their jobs seriously, but the wives take their husbands jobs seriously too. So many people being serious about guarding the materials will hopefully be enough to prevent any theft.

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