Tropical Advisories from Weather Underground

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Easy Labor

We are learning more about indigo. Currently we are trying to get a dye pot going. I want to post all about that and I will soon. But distractions come up, and our attention has been drawn to other matters recently.

Yesterday, late in the afternoon, we heard a loud and unusual sound. All of us instantly knew it was a sheep sound, but like none we had ever heard before. I can not now remember the sound, but I am sure if I ever hear it again, I will recognize it.

We had anticipated this for a while, and had discussed what we would do. Rebecca was first to get to the sheep. As I approached, I heard her say, "we are too late".

Although Rebecca had the camera, it was indeed too late. The sheep we call Mama had already given birth and was licking the lamb clean.

In the pictures above, you can see a protrusion coming from Mama. I had thought this was the afterbirth. We took no more pictures however, as it was becoming dark, and we did not want to frighten Mama with the flash.

The night was a fairly long one. We tied up the males and one rather food agressive female. We carried water and various kinds of foods to Mama.

In the morning we took the following pictures.

1 comment:

StormRider said...

Congratulation on the new additions! So happy Mama had an easy labor, and that you all were -- of course! -- prepared for The Event.
Guess this means Villa Chakha'asi will be needing new and expanded forage areas. Lol!
What a great unfolding!
- Storm