Tropical Advisories from Weather Underground

Monday, August 23, 2010

Bad Girls

It all started on a cloudy day.....

John and I had gone to town and on the way back from town we stopped in at our friend's house for a quick visit. We were on our way back home, just about to turn on our road, but what do our eyes see.... sheep!!! Not just any sheep, our sheep!

I got out of the car and chased them back home, with the help of John in the car.

We have discovered that they now like to do this. Go down our driveway and down our road and cross the road to the field across from ours.

We talked about how we could stop this and so we put a fence across our driveway. Well that seems to help a bit.

So what trouble could they get into now.... Well now they have taken to going into our chicken coop...

and our smaller cages for our hens with little baby chicks.

We feed the chickens corn and the sheep love that so they go in to find any leftover corn. Also they like the shade of the coop.

When they go in the coop or the brooding cages, we chase them out.

It seems that only a few of our sheep are the ones that start it. Like when they would go down the driveway, it always seemed to be Patch, Smoky, and Amber that would be the instigators in that.

This is Amber, don't be fooled, yes she looks sweet and innocent, but it is a rouse.

Here we have Smoky. She likes to go her own way, provided the other bad girls go with her.

Caught in the act... Smoky and Patch being chased from the coop.

The chicken coop problem is lead by one of our older sheep named SCC. Here she is in the coop.

Here is a picture of SCC when she is behaving and just hanging out by our house.

But of course Amber, Smoky and Patch were always there to be a look out or even join in.

Here we have a picture of the bad girl group just grazing on some grass, so we think. They could be heading down the driveway any minute. With these girls one just never knows.

Here are the girls just hanging out by the house like they like to do. But wait...SCC is looking at the coop... oh no, not again...

But it seems to me that we will have more trouble from Amber, Smoky, and Patch.

This is Socks, she is only 4 months old.

"But Mommy, I want to be a bad girl too. Can I, please Mommy? Make them let me!"

We also have a sheep that just had her first lamb and she seems to want to go her own way. She is an interesting sheep, we call her Lady Gray now, and we named her baby, Ashley.

Here I caught her and Ashley all the way in the house. Checking things out.

The next day or so I came in from hanging laundry and saw a 3 lb.bag of rice opened and all over the floor and she happily eating it. I was not happy. But as I chased them out of the house Ashley turned around as if she was not finished exploring. She is just to cute I could not be mad long at them. I did chase them out of the house though.

Our bad girl sheep are not old sheep, in fact most of them are (at least we hope) pregnant for the first time, so they would be teenagers. We have heard of teenagers rebelling from their parents, but sheep...this we have not heard about.

So as you see, we do indeed have bad girl sheep.

Okay, When the sheep look like this, who can stay mad at them. Isn't Ashley so cute...

1 comment:

Cousin Laurie said...

very nice...
thanks Becky. Now I understand about the Bad Girls =)