Tropical Advisories from Weather Underground

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Hurricane Richard

Hurricane Richard is approaching Belize. It seems likely to hit somewhat south of us. I am not sure how far south. If it hits near Belize City, you will likely hear of this on the news. There would probably be some significant destruction.

If the hurricane shifts its course to the north, it will hit us. We are North of Belize City, just south of the Mexican boarder. You probably would not hear of that on the news. If you hear of damage to the Mexican city of Chetumal, that would indicate that we have been hurt bad.

The latest information I have is that the storm is strengthening rapidly. It may be a category 2 hurricane by landfall.

Storm surge will not be a problem for us. But wind damage could be. It now seems certain that we will have winds of greater than 34 knots, likely that we will have winds greater than 50 knots, and possible that we will have winds of greater than 64 knots. We will almost certainly be damaged to some degree.

We use the cellular phone network to connect to the internet. If the cell towers are damaged, we may be unable to connect to the internet for a while.

I am having terrible problems with Yahoo mail. They have implemented something new and it makes it very hard to send emails. I will probably change to some other service, but not right now.

We are making what preparations we can to minimize damage. We will post an update as soon as possible after the storm.

If you have an interest in the effect of the storm on Belize in general the following link might be useful.


A good link for storm tracking information is here.

NRL Monterey Marine Meteorology Division


StormRider said...

Dear John, Rebecca, Chris and John Francis,
I'm monitoring Hurricane Richard as closely as I can. I see the winds around it have now reached Level One Hurricane velocity.
I note its approach speed has increased and that its projected path at this time anticipates it will come ashore south of you.
I pray for your safety and for the protection of your home and livestock.
I know you will do whatever is necessary to protect yourselves, and know that you will be successful in that effort.
God Bless you all. Keep us posted as best you can.
Abiding Love & Peace and eternal support,
- Storm

Aldebaran said...

and know that you will be successful in that effort

really? I wish I knew that. Maybe not, I might not try as hard.

Everything is ok here. Apparently no losses, damage or anything.

We built a chicken fort. Essentially a hurricane shelter for chickens. Now we have to take it apart and put everything back the way it was. We built the chicken fort in about half an hour. I suspect it will take several hours at least to put back to normal.

We are very greatfull that there was no damage here.

Elsewhere there are reports of thousands of homes blown off their stilts or without their roofs. I have yet to bike down to the village and see if there is flooding.