Tropical Advisories from Weather Underground

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Additional Pictures of Our House

I have some more pictures of our house if anyone is interested. I have also added some pictures of our street and some of our neighbors' houses.


Anonymous said...

Becky, I really enjoyed all the pictures!

Anonymous said...

Dear Rebecca,
Thanks for the pictures of your house and the description. I really enjoyed them. The house sounds nice; just the right size for the family. I would not mind seeing more pictures of the house and your street if you wanted to post them. Pictures help me experience what it is like living there.
I have been unable to contact John for a week now. I hope it is not because of anything I said. I miss communicating with him (and you) terribly!
I have a surprise in the works for you all. I think you will like it.
Abiding love and enduring support,
- Rolf/Storm