Tropical Advisories from Weather Underground

Monday, February 05, 2007

A description of Our House

I was asked to take pictures of our house that we are living in. We rent this house. It is a cement house with a cement roof.
As you see we have a wall all around the house. There are 2 gates. One is to walk through and the other is for a car to fit through. When you walk up to the house there is an iron door and then a wooden door. As you walk through you will walk into our living room. There is a neat arch and on each side is a little area where you can put things. We currently have school books on one and our clock/cd player on the other. Then you go through the arch and enter our dining room. We have our refrigerator in the dining room. No real good place to put it in the kitchen. Then as you keep going back there is our kitchen. The landlady had a counter/shelf put in for us. So now there is more places to put things. Then if you keep going strait through you then go into the laundry room. We just have a washer in there. There is a window and 2 doors on either side of the room. The door on the right side leads to a little patio. But we don't sit out there. Then you are in our backyard. I hang our laundry out there to dry. We have a couple of trees. And John has a little garden that he is trying to grow things there.
Well as you recall when you were in the living room facing the dining room, to your right there are 2 nice doors that lead to the Master bed room. That is where John and I sleep. We also have the laptop computer in there. Then there is the bath room off the bedroom. And when you are in the bathroom there is a shower area only, no bathtub. Well you can keep going through the bathroom and go into the 2nd bedroom. That is where the boys sleep. So you can only get to the bathroom by either the 2nd or the master bedroom. Also the 2nd bedroom is off the dining room. We also have a 3rd bed room which is off the kitchen. We also have a garage and you can get in that by the big doors in the front of the house or a door in the back of the garage. It is painted blue. And that is our house that we are renting.


Anonymous said...

Dear Rebecca, Thanks for posting the pictures. Why don't you sit outside on the little patio? Too Hot? Did John and the boys lose interest in the blog? School in Ohio was cancelled yesterday for snow. This morning it was zero degrees.

Rebecca said...

The patio is big enough for one or 2 people to sit out there on the patio but I don't like to sit in the back patio because that is where the mosquitoes like to hang out. I guess I like the comfort of our couch. We do leave the front door open for a breeze to come in.