Tropical Advisories from Weather Underground

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Catfish, catfish and more catfish

John bought himself a fishing pole for $50.00 belize one day. Which is $25.00 U.S. in case anyone was wondering. It is a nice fishing pole. It will not catch very big fish. But it will catch average sized fish.

John has experimented with different baits such as chicken liver, chicken gizzards, shrimp and even something he tried to make from scratch, using ingredients from the kitchen. Well the livers didn't stay on the hook when a fish nibbled on it. The fish was able to take the liver and get away. So I guess that didn't work. The gizzards work well for catching catfish but not much else. The shrimp also works well for catching catfish. We were told that shrimp was good for catching other fish. The homemade fish bait really attracted them but it didn't stay on the hook either. John says, sometimes he will put the homemade bait on the gizzard or shrimp to attract the fish better.

He and the boys have fished in different spots along the ocean to get a feel for which one has more fish. He has tried the different piers, and along the ocean wall. I am not sure if he has figured out which is the best spot to fish at yet. Some piers have places where you can sit and some you just have to sit on the pier itself or stand. John also has to watch for swimmers. So if he sees someone swimming, he will go to another spot, so he doesn't hurt the swimmer with the hook. Also the fish would have swam away from the swimmer too. People tell him that one place is better to catch fish than this spot or that place is better.

So far all they have caught is catfish. Catfish is very tasty but John was hoping to catch other fish.

People walk by and ask if we have caught any fish. And people stop by to watch for a minute or two to see if we catch anything. One day a little Chinese girl with her father was watching us. We opened our bag, with the 2 fish we already caught, to show her. She seemed interested. People seem curious about us fishing. I don't think to many people fish much here. We have seen a man fishing with a net before. Or with just a pole and a string with a hook and bait. No reel on it. Our friends fish in a river. Someday John wants to try that.

I took some pictures of John and Johnny fishing. That day they didn't catch anything. A few nibbles but nothing caught. On that day we were fishing by the ocean wall. Close to us we could see lots and lots of little fish all together. Johnny informed me that that is called a school of fish. It was neat to see. I did take a picture, but you can't see the little fish, just the rocks and water.

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