Tropical Advisories from Weather Underground

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Just another day in Belize

We have had an interesting week. Several days ago John, Johnny, and I went to the ocean to go fishing. It was around 5 p.m. in the evening. So John was fishing, Johnny was helping him, and I was chatting with a man that came down the peer with his friend and his friends truck. The young man was the son of a man we buy our produce from at the market.

The young man said that there was a manatee in the water. And he then pointed to where it was going to poke his nose up. And sure enough it poked his nose up to get a breath of air. So we spent some time watching for the manatee to pop its nose up. It came up every few minutes to breath. The young man said he came in to eat. We asked what they eat, and he said oh little fish and stuff. So we just watched it for a while. The young man's friend tried to take a picture with his camera phone. It was fun to watch the manatee.

I looked up about manatees on the Internet to get some more information on them. I found out that the young man was wrong, they don't eat little fish. They eat plants. And they have to come up every several minutes to breath. I hope we see another one again. It was fun. I have seen them on TV but to see them in person is much better.

There was another day when we went fishing again. John caught a crab on his line. But the crab let go when he was reeling it in. Yesterday, he and Chris come back from fishing and Chris blurted out that they caught a crab. So we looked at it. John had to use the Internet to see how to cook crab. He found out that he had to boil it. I had a taste and didn't really like it. Johnny liked it. So he and John sat there eating the crab. John had to show Johnny how to eat the crab. It is a little complicated. If you ask me, there isn't a lot of meat on it and it seems to hard to eat. I think it is not worth it. But they liked it.

We have also had geckos and lizards in our house. Here is a picture of what some look like. They come in all different sizes. We mostly get small ones in the house.

I hope we see more different kinds of animals. It is interesting. I took a picture of the crab. John said it was a blue crab. Just some information for you, crabs are not to play with. They are not toys and should not be picked up.


Aldebaran said...

I think it is ok to find a public domain image of a manatee, upload that to photobucket and put that on the blog. If you do that, maybe you should mention that it's a photo you found rather than took yourself. Also, I am pretty sure that gecko picture is a repeat from several months ago.

Regarding the manatee, we have seen that several times after the time described in your post. Have not seen it in the last several days.

They are amazing, beautiful, and very peacefull gentle creatures. I found an interesting web page that has lots of information about manatees.

Also, many Belizans don't use a fishing pole or a stick or anything. They just use a handline, or often a cast net. Johnny and I are experimenting with a handline, but right now the line keeps getting tangled. Maybe if we stretch it out and let it get warm or hot it will lose any "coil memory".

Anonymous said...

Your article concerning geckos or
lizards was interesting. All the while we were there at your home I
saw just one tiny gecko. Do you remember? It was on the screen to
your laundry room? Since you get all the TV networks you undoubltedly have seen the insurance ads that use the geckos.
I enjoy those ads and think the
geckos are cute. However, I don't
think I would like to see a very
big one. As regards the crab, I
have never tried one but they are
considered a delicacy. Daddy just
reminded me that we did try some
when we visited a college friend of
his in Baltimore. He had taken us to an up-scale restaurant specializing in seafood. He
insisted we try the crab bisque as
an appetizer. Daddy ate his but I
didn't like the taste and just
managed to eat a few bites.
I continue to enjoy your blogs and
add them to the book.
With Love from both of us.

Anonymous said...

Becky, I really enjoyed hearing about the manatee. I enjoy all your blogs. I do not remember a picture of the gecko. And if it was posted a couple months ago, SO WHAT John.
by the way where was Christopher?
Christopher and Johnny, I hope you guys are fine and I miss hearing from you guys. Becky, keep up the great work!