Tropical Advisories from Weather Underground

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Wonderful visit from family

Well on April 2, 2008, John's parents and aunt came to Corozal Town, Belize to stay with us for a visit. We were so excited. It has been a year since we have seen them. John's parents came last year around this time. This time they brought Betty with them. They stayed until April 21.

I hope they had a good time. Here in Corozal there isn't much to do but enjoy the ocean, shop at stores, take walks around town, rest, and relax. We did get to play some hands of pinochle while they were here. That was fun. They also got to go to our friends wedding that we were in.
They got to meet more of our friends and neighbors.
We had a very enjoyable visit with them. We sat outside in the evening, when it got cooler, and had some nice chats.
We loved having them here and hated having them leave. We look forward to when they can come back. We hope they can.

Here are some pictures of their visit.

First ones are of them at the airport in U.S. and on the plane, and they took one of a plane just like the one they flew in.

Here are some of them having fun at the little slot machines one place has here.
Here they are on one of their walks and shopping.

Here they are relaxing on their walks.

We celebrated my birthday with pizza...

and then back home for a wonderfully decorated cake, made by Mom and Betty.

Then they gave me gifts! Wow what a wonderful 40th birthday I had!

We took them to see Chris's school that he attends.

Here we are playing cards.

Here they are eating lunch or maybe breakfast.

And here we are just lounging in the living room.

And last we took a few pictures of the wedding they went to.


Anonymous said...

Dear Rebecca,
Reading your blog and seeing the pictures instantly brought back all the wonderful things about our visit. We 3 had such a great time!!! Your beautiful coean, great food you made, meeting all your neat friends, shopping, chats, card games, walks along the ocean, including at night, site-seeing the town, the wedding, the constant trips to the ice cream palor with the zillion flavors (I have decided my favorite is kiwi and Dad's is rum/raisin), the visits from the wood carvers, the bananas, oranges, etc. in such abundance and so rich in flavor, trips to the Mirador, the occasional playing at the slot machines, and most of all being with the four of you. Yes, thanks for pampering us - laundry service, meals, etc.
We are missing you greatly and already thinking about our next visit in 09.
Very much love from us.

Anonymous said...

Dear aunt Becky,

i like your blog spot. I love the pictures of you all. All of you guys look different. The dress you wear wearing in the picture was so cute on you.

Love, Chynna