Tropical Advisories from Weather Underground

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Flat Stanley's Stay

Well my sweet niece Katie had a second grade class project.

They read a book about a boy who got flattened by a bulletin board, and he found out he could mail himself around the world. I think the book was called something like 'Flat Stanley'.
So in Katie's class they mailed letters and a little Flat Stanley drawling, to relatives that lived far away. So Katie mailed one to us.

We don't have a very exciting life here in Belize. It is just a nice, quiet, relaxing, and not much going on way of life for us here in Corozal Town, Belize.

So what I did was just take some simple pictures of the town and of some of our friends. And then made a blog to put them on. I think the blog turned out good.

If Flat Stanley was a real boy he might have gotten bored with us. We just like to hang out at home. Here are a few pictures that I took.

1 comment:

Aldebaran said...

Rebecca, I just now got the pictures to load on the blog you made for Flat Stanley. I really like it. But you should have perhaps posted a link:

Also, you have changed your name to Flat Stanley for every instance where it previously said Rebecca.