Well we are finished with workers. They finished the septic tank and water tower. So the rest, we should be able to finish ourselves. It will take time but that is okay. Here are a few pictures of the septic tank and water tower.

So now we have that finished we can finish the toilets and then we will work on getting the water into the house.
We have gotten 2 sheep. A male and female.

And just this past weekend we have a new arrival. Our friend stopped by with a kitten for us. She is cute as can be, but often kittens are. John says she is not going to be a lap cat. That is good because we wanted it to catch mice and other creatures. But as you can see she is very little. Just freshly weened. Here are a few pictures of her.

Enjoyed your blog and an up-date on your place. Was the large black container the thing that will hold the water? We are presuming that to be the case.
The kitty looks so cute! Even though the sheep picture was not real clear we could make out the outline of the head of one. They are nice animals even though a ram can occasionally get fiesty. I wish we could have something like that in the city. Glad your septic tank is finished and you will soon be using your bathrooms. Are you spending more time out there or in town?
Thanks for leaving a comment. We love them. I will try to take more pictures of the sheep and more of the house. Our female sheep is the feisty one. We use our bathroom now but still have to add water by bucket to flush it. We are basically living there now. I do have to come into town to feed Enlil, our dog. We will bring him out here soon. We need to make some sort of shaded area for him near the house.
Will you build a chicken house? Do people there use goats for milk? Is there a market for your wool? Will wild dogs attack the sheep? In Ohio it's harvest season; ran soybeans today.
Yes, the black container is a water tank. I have showered under it and the water temp is perfect for bathing.
The female is the more aggressive and larger sheep. She is some other breed, more like an American sheep.
The male sheep was sick for a while but I found a plant to cure him. He also had a cold and had trouble chewing his cud due to a stuffed up nose, so I fixed that with vicks.
We will build something for chickens, but I want a mobile chicken cage, a chicken tractor to run up and down the rows between things I plant.
The sheep eat up the weeds in the garden, and they leave the squash, plantains and oddly enough the beans alone. However sweet potatoes fare poorly when the sheep are around.
I don't think the local people milk goats. Some of the expats probably do. We may or may not attempt to milk sheep and make cheese or something. Or not, who knows.
There are not wild dogs here, but there are panthers. The man that sold me the sheep sold three that day, two to me and one to a house in the village. That sheep was found partially eaten presumably by a small tiger or what we would call a panther or a jaguar. But my sheep are fine so far.
The male sheep is apparently a Barbados black belly sheep, and produces no wool. There is no wool market here. When I explained the process of carding wool and spinning it, Rebecca suggested that she was not interested in wool either.
The female produces wool, she is black however her wool looks like dirty chocolate. Wool seems to be a disadvantage here. We may obtain more sheep and if so more of the black belly sheep, though the female seems to grow faster and is more industrious with eating and such.
The kitten was not weaned. It was the largest of three and it was taking all the milk so apparently they felt she had to go in order for her siblings to survive.
We feed her chicken liver, masa and chaya. She is growing well on that, but she still suckles on my ear lobes.
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