As you have probably already figured it out, we are living at our new house. We have the town house until November 22. So we still have time to get all our things out and moved.
John is making friends with the sheep. The male sheep likes to be petted, the female, not so much. Here are some, I hope, better pictures of the sheep.

But as for our house, it is coming along fine. We still need doors and windows but we have toilets and I am working on pipes to bring water to the house. So it is coming along good. We are all doing very well.
We did have a bit of a cold front here, but it is over now. It was chilly but also nice because the mosquitoes were a lot less. So that was good. I did need a blanket to sleep with. and a sweater for in the morning. But it is over now so the mosquitoes will be back, so we will use our net again at nights.
The sheep are too cute. People here in this country often milk goats for their rich milk which makes particularly good fudge and of course for other food uses. In Europe they milk sheep and use it for verious cheeses which are excellent. Jungle Jim's has a variety of sheep cheeses which tend to be expensive but very good. Incidently, J. Jims has expanded immensely and is one of the biggest markets around.
Glad the house is progressing.
Can't wait till visit you in your new place.
I can see that Ferocious Gray will
probably run the place, including the dogs.
We'll be looking for new additions to your blogs.
How do you store food? Do you have electricity? How often do you go to the store? We live about 20 minutes from Meijer's and tend to stock up once a week.
Well we haven't figured the shopping, out yet. We still have the house in town that we rent so sometimes I will go do laundry and shopping and make a chicken and store it in the small refrigerator we have in town. That will only work until the 12 of November, that is when we move the big stuff.
No we currently do not have electric. We have a generator, and we use it for the water pump. We might sometime have solar, but for now we are okay.
We will start to buy in bigger bulk so we don't have to run to the store. And we will have chickens for eggs some day.
John is going to do some thinking on how long we can store meats. But for now we just buy what we need for the day or two.
Rebecca, you give good answers. Do you miss TV? I could easily live without it. In Ohio, everyone is talking about the H1N1 virus and waiting for flu vaccine. Our school has up to 20% absent, and they cannot always find enough sub teachers. Tell us about healthcare in Belize. Who pays for it?
So glad to hear you are in your new home!
Amazing how fast that came about, despite the tremendous amount of work involved.
Glad, too, to see that the household continues to expand. The sheep should come in handy. Are they, among their many values, also a good substitute for lawn mowers?
I assume Christopher and Johnny have returned to school. Did the relocation to the house cost them their budding friendships with school-mates, or are they able to maintain contact?
Though it seems to me socialization is the major lesson taught in schools (at least stateside), I should also ask how each of them are doing with their classes?
You all remain in my heart, with almost daily reflections and uplift of positive energy to you.
Love & Peace and Abiding Support,
- StormRider
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