On the way to the U.S. I was very nervous, for it was my first trip by myself. Also it was also my first trip out of Cancun, Mexico. I don't speak enough Spanish to get me anywhere, let alone get me through Mexico. But luckily before I left on the bus to Cancun I met a very nice lady, who spoke both English and Spanish. So she took me under her wing and helped me get to the Cancun Airport.
However on the way back home to my family, I was on my own, no husband with me nor no new friend. Just me and my tiny little Spanish-English dictionary. This reminded me of the lyrics to an Enya song called Long Long Journey.
Long Long Journey Lyrics
City lights shine on the harbour,
night has fallen down,
through the darkness
and the shadow
I will still go on.
Long, long journey
through the darkness,
long, long way to go;
but what are miles
across the ocean
to the heart that's coming home?
Where the road
runs through the valley,
where the river flows,
I will follow every highway
to the place I know.
Long, long journey
through the darkness,
long, long way to go;
but what are miles
across the ocean
to the heart that's coming home?
Long, long journey
out of nowhere,
long, long way to go;
but what are sighs
and what is sadness
to the heart that's coming home?
I was driven to Cincinnati Airport around 1:00pm. I was nervous about the long journey ahead. But I knew I could do this. Made good time at the Cincinnati Airport. Got my boarding ticket and said my goodbyes. Went through security with no problem except lots of jackets to take off and then to put back on. Then I wind myself around the airport looking for the terminal that I needed. I find it and relax a bit.
The plane arrives on time and I get on, it is a smaller plane. It was a bit bumpy but on the whole it was a good flight. It seemed a bit long to me but probably because I was wanting to get home quick.
I arrive in Houston, Texas on time and hungry. I wind my way around this airport, go through security there and wind myself around the airport some more to find my terminal. I take the tram, and it stops in midtransport. But I stay calm and know that I will make it just fine. It begins again so my long journey continues.
I find my terminal and wait yet again.
Plane arrives and I am able to board it. I seem to get the window seats which is sad and yet neat, because it is dark and can't really see to much. I however like to look down on all the lights of the big cities. I met a nice couple going to Cancun. She said she had been to Mexico before but never to Cancun. She and I conversed a bit during the flight. We both thought our first flights seemed longer than this one. It was a bigger plane. So there were 3 seats on one side and 3 on the other. It was a pleasant flight, I think it is more pleasant when there is someone to talk to or someone new to meet and get to know.
We landed in Cancun and now was the tricky part, I needed to go through customs, then through security. But everyone was very nice and it went pretty quick and easy.
I was now in Mexico.
I took a breath, and went through the door. I walked slowly looking for the Ado booth that I was told and had been to before (but that time I had a translator). I was there in the day time and it was around 9:30 pm. Well I was kindly directed to the booth but there was no one in it.
I waited a bit but noticed a sign and said something like bus tickets sold outside by the bus. So I ventured outside the airport and found a bunch of taxis and other buses and finally found the Ado buses. I waited till the lady was free and said Chetumal and she pointed and said this bus and said a price and I pulled out a bill and she said see, and gave me the change. I got on the bus and waited to go again.
We headed out to the Cancun Ado bus station. Where I would there buy a ticket for the next bus out to Chetumal. We wound around and made it there.
I got off and took another breath. I had made it this far. So I went in with all my luggage and went up to a counter, there were a few of them and I couldn't understand the signs so I just picked one and as luck would have it I picked the right one. I said Chetumal and she said the time and price, which of course I didn't understand. But the lady was so nice and we got my ticket and she said 11:00pm and pointed to where to go.
So I paid and went over there. I made it just in time, and had enough time to buy a water. I sat down to wait yet again for my ride. In my mind I knew this one was going to be longest. It was a 5 hour bus ride. I was tired, a bit hungry, and anxious to be home to my family.
I got on the bus and got as comfortable as I could. As we drove through town I watched the buildings and houses and lights, of course it was dark so I could not see as much. It was a quiet bus ride, long but quiet. I tried to sleep but alas sleep I could not. Eventually we came into Chetumal, Mexico. I waited until all the people were off the bus then I got off. I went up to the bus lobby and found sleeping on an iron bench was John. I had made it. I was so very tired but so very excited to see him and to realize I made it.
John and I made it back home around 10am. It so wonderful to see the boys. I swear they grew since I was gone. I wanted to take a look around my place.
I was struck at how big my kitten had grown. Here is a picture of me and her. John says it is all the birds she catches and eats.

I of course had to check on our sick sheep. Again here is a picture of me and the sheep.

I was still amazed that my water tower was still standing.

And here is a picture of me near
my plantain trees and water pipes.

I was very impressed with the work that was done on the fence line. Here I am leaning on one of the posts to show how sturdy they are.

Here is a picture of Chris and the cat, the cat did not miss me so much.

Here are some pictures of the boys, Johnny is digging a post hole for the fence line and Chris is chopping.

Beautiful narrative, Rebecca! Almost as haunting as the Enya song you cited. Reading it, I could see and feel your journey through the crowded, complex airport terminals and the dark night of the bus ride. Very, very well done. I look forward to more of your posts!
This trip was obviously one of those experiences where one discovers hitherto unknown inner resources. I 'spect in reflection you feel a new strength inside .
Good to see the boys, cats, sheep and "garden" are all coming along so well. The pictures add so much substance to your seasoned narrative. Villa Chahka'asi (sp?) is obviously unfolding as it should.
Imagine the tales that someday will be told of John Rohs and his wife, Intrepid Rebecca, Thin Woman of Steel!
Love, Peace & Abiding Support,
- Storm
Has there been a posting as to WHY you all moved there? Not that it's anyone's business. Just curious.
same question? Why?
Hi Anonymous,
No there has not been a posting about why.
There have been many draft postings about why, but it is a difficult thing to put into words.
No one had asked. Now they have.
I will try to put it into words.
It may take a bit.
How we enjoyed reading your trip
news! I must say I admire your ability to get around so well. I would not be that capable.
We also enjoyed John's update on things. You are living an exciting and interesting life style.Can't wait to visit you again but think we'll go all the way by plane again as usual.
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