Tropical Advisories from Weather Underground

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Additional Pictures of Mom & Dad's vacation

this is the boat that took them to San Pedro Island.

This is the restaurant above the market. This is Joan and Donatila at the market.

Joan finding good deals at a store.

Hear they are gambling at the pool hall. Playing the slot machines.

Here is Joan wadding in the ocean on the beach of San Pedro.

Here are two hotels that they liked and want to stay at when next they come back.

Here George waiting for his icecream that they ordered.

This is the bus that they came in and will go out on.

This is Joan and George in the center of town.

Here we went out for pizza. Yum yum!

Here is Joan and George on a walk by the ocean.

I have many more pictures that Joan sent me but I wouldn't have room to put them all on our blog. So I hoped I picked some real nice ones. I could have said more about their trip, for I had to shorten it. We had fun and I hope they did as well. We loved having them here. We love you both, Mom & Dad!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rebecca and John and boys

What great and happy memories the
blog sirred up!!! We had such a
terrific time there in Belize with
you. We loved every minute!!!
We can't wait till we can return.
One thing I want to refer to is the
comment you made concerning the
hotels near you - when I had said
I wanted to stay there I meant for
a night or two with you coming
there too. We would of course
rather spend most of the visit at
your house, which we think is very